Jody Skinner

Anglo-American Cultural Studies

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The third edition of Skinner's introduction to Anglo-American cultural studies has been thoroughly revised to include Brexit, Trump, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine. This standard textbook now includes new full-color graphics as well as updated recommendations for further reading and watching at the end of each chapter. Anglo-American Cultural Studies refreshingly breaks with the tradition of dry impersonal summaries of facts and figures to provide German students with first-hand experience of the personal tone and humor that can characterize academic discourse in Britain and the US.
The third edition of Skinner's introduction to Anglo-American cultural studies has been thoroughly revised to include Brexit, Trump, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine. This standard textbook now includes new full-color graphics as well as updated recommendations for further reading and watching at the end of each chapter. Anglo-American Cultural Studies refreshingly breaks with the tradition of dry impersonal summaries of facts and figures to provide German students with first-hand experience of the personal tone and humor that can characterize academic discourse in Britain and the US.

I Topics in Anglo-American Area Studies
1 The Where (geography) ………..
2 The When (history) ….
3 ABCs US & UK Life (special issues) …..
4 Uniform-ity and Plural-ity (education) ….
5 Queendom und Republicracy (political life) ….
6 A Common Wealth? (economics, international relations)
7 Who, Where From, Where To (minorities and immigration)...
8 Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals in the City on the Hill (religion)...
9 From Disasters to Parks (the environment)...
10 Paper, Waves, Bytes (media)...
11 Bread & Circuses (arts, leisure, sports, food)...
II Looking at Anglo-American Cultural Studies
12 Identity: Who’s the Us, Who’s the Them? ………..
13 Power: Those Who Got It and Those That Ain’t ….
14 Gender: Wo-Men …..
15 Media Was, Is, Always Will Be the Message? …
16 culture and Culture ….
Conclusion ….

List of illustrations …

Dr. Jody Skinner lehrt angloamerikanische Kulturwissenschaft an der Universität Koblenz.
Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-8252-5940-2
EAN 9783825259402
Bibliographie 3., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage
Seiten 430
Format kartoniert
Ausgabename 45940
Auflagenname -11
Autor:in Jody Skinner
Erscheinungsdatum 05.09.2022
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage