Thomas Tinnefeld
Effective Communication in a Global Context
Interconnectivity – Interculturality – Interdisciplinarity
54,99 €
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This volume provides a comprehensive exploration of global communication across borders. From the skills needed for effective language use to the challenges of global English language teaching, it looks into the complexities of interconnected, intercultural and interdisciplinary communication in various contexts, bringing in findings from eminent reseachers across the globe. This collection of chapters provides valuable insights for anyone navigating the intricacies of communication in today's complicated world.
This volume provides a comprehensive exploration of global communication in today's world. By examining the complex interplay of interconnectivity, interculturality, and interdisciplinarity, it provides insights for scholars, practitioners, and students alike. The range of topics covered reflects the multifaceted nature of communication in our modern era.
The ideas presented in this volume serve as a guide to improving our ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic boundaries. The emphasis on the prefix inter- throughout the book emphasises the fundamental interconnectedness of all aspects of global communication.
Ultimately, this collection of scholarly chapters not only contributes to the academic discourse on global communication but also offers practical insights for those seeking to improve their intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills. The perspectives and knowledge shared in this book will undoubtedly prove invaluable in fostering more effective and meaningful global communication.
Martin East, Constanza Tolosa, Jocelyn Howard, Christine Biebricher & Adèle Scott (The University of Auckland, New Zealand):
Communicating across Borders: What Skills do Language Users Need?
Katja Lochtman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Brussels Students’ Attitudes Towards Participating in Emergency Online Language Courses
Eugenia (Gene) Vasilopoulos (Ottawa, Canada) & Douglas Fleming (Ottawa, Canada:
Epistemic Dependency in Global English Language Teaching: Problematizing the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities
Meike Wernicke (Vancouver) & Carl Ruest (Vancouver):
Traverser les frontières virtuelles : une rencontre interculturelle
David Weir (York St John University, UK)
Learning to do Interculturality in a Twenty-First Century Business School
Wai Meng Chan (National University of Singapore, Singapore):
Foreign Language Study Abroad and Intercultural Mediation: Construction, Co-Construction and Reconstruction of Cultural Meanings
Véronique Lemoine-Bresson & Marie-José Gremmo (Université de Lorraine, France):
La plus-value interculturelle des cursus intégrés franco-allemands : témoignages de candidats à un Prix d'Excellence de l'Université Franco-Allemande
Esa Hartmann (Université de Strasbourg, France):
Crossing Linguistic, Cultural, an Semiotic Borders in Translingual Picture Books : Literal and Pedagogical Perspectives
Paul Gruba (Melbourne, Australia):
Becoming interdisciplinary: Communication across borders
Klaus-Dieter Baumann (Leipzig University, Germany):
Thought patterns in natural scientific and technical-scientific communication: an interdisciplinary approach
Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld ist Inhaber einer W3-Professur für Angewandte Sprachen an der HTW des Saarlandes.
The ideas presented in this volume serve as a guide to improving our ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic boundaries. The emphasis on the prefix inter- throughout the book emphasises the fundamental interconnectedness of all aspects of global communication.
Ultimately, this collection of scholarly chapters not only contributes to the academic discourse on global communication but also offers practical insights for those seeking to improve their intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills. The perspectives and knowledge shared in this book will undoubtedly prove invaluable in fostering more effective and meaningful global communication.
Martin East, Constanza Tolosa, Jocelyn Howard, Christine Biebricher & Adèle Scott (The University of Auckland, New Zealand):
Communicating across Borders: What Skills do Language Users Need?
Katja Lochtman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Brussels Students’ Attitudes Towards Participating in Emergency Online Language Courses
Eugenia (Gene) Vasilopoulos (Ottawa, Canada) & Douglas Fleming (Ottawa, Canada:
Epistemic Dependency in Global English Language Teaching: Problematizing the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities
Meike Wernicke (Vancouver) & Carl Ruest (Vancouver):
Traverser les frontières virtuelles : une rencontre interculturelle
David Weir (York St John University, UK)
Learning to do Interculturality in a Twenty-First Century Business School
Wai Meng Chan (National University of Singapore, Singapore):
Foreign Language Study Abroad and Intercultural Mediation: Construction, Co-Construction and Reconstruction of Cultural Meanings
Véronique Lemoine-Bresson & Marie-José Gremmo (Université de Lorraine, France):
La plus-value interculturelle des cursus intégrés franco-allemands : témoignages de candidats à un Prix d'Excellence de l'Université Franco-Allemande
Esa Hartmann (Université de Strasbourg, France):
Crossing Linguistic, Cultural, an Semiotic Borders in Translingual Picture Books : Literal and Pedagogical Perspectives
Paul Gruba (Melbourne, Australia):
Becoming interdisciplinary: Communication across borders
Klaus-Dieter Baumann (Leipzig University, Germany):
Thought patterns in natural scientific and technical-scientific communication: an interdisciplinary approach
Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld ist Inhaber einer W3-Professur für Angewandte Sprachen an der HTW des Saarlandes.
ISBN | 978-3-381-12311-7 |
EAN | 9783381123117 |
Bibliographie | 1. Auflage |
Seiten | 306 |
Format | kartoniert |
Ausgabename | 1231-1 |
Auflagenname | -11 |
Herausgeber:in | Thomas Tinnefeld |
Erscheinungsdatum | 03.02.2025 |
Lieferzeit | 2-4 Tage |