Alexander G.Z. Myers

Pastoral, Identity, and Memory in the Works of John Banville

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John Banville’s works waver indecisively between modernism and postmodernism. This study offers a hitherto unexplored vista on his works and argues that Banville is a post-/modern pastoralist. The pastoral lens opens new vistas to Banville's central concerns: the collusion of ethics and aesthetics, self-identification in narrative, and the topography of the troubled mind. Banville’s characters harbour an Arcadia of the unconscious conditioned by a subtext of nostalgia. Caught in a crisis, his characters explore, subvert and transform the pastoral mode into an ambiguous quest for a stable self.
John Banville's works waver indecisively between modernism and postmodernism; his fiction embodies the viewpoint that “the anxiety of contamination in modernism is concerned with preserving the integrity of the autonomous art work so that it can conceptually counterbalance the potential senselessness and chaos of our world” (Kenny 17). This study offers a hitherto little explored vista on the Irish author’s works, and argues that Banville is in many ways a post-/modern pastoralist. Indeed, pastoral, in its various post-/modern transformations, is well suited to John Banville's works, because both author and mode are prone to query their (meta-)narrative constructions in a self-conscious discourse caught between pastoral regression and post-/modern reflexion. Banville's protagonists harbour an Arcadia of the unconscious conditioned by a subtext of childhood nostalgia. Brought to the surface by a moment of crisis, the attendant process of narrative emplotment explores, subverts and transforms the pastoral mode into an ambiguous landscape of the perennial quest for a stable self.

Alexander Geoffrey Zsolt Myers studierte Englische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften und Geschichte an der Universität Zürich und promovierte 2017 bei Prof. Dr. Martin Heusser. Er ist zur Zeit in Basel als Gymnasiallehrkraft tätig.
Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-7720-8647-2
EAN 9783772086472
Bibliographie 1. Auflage
Seiten 223
Format gebunden
Ausgabename 38647
Auflagenname -11
Autor:in Alexander G.Z. Myers
Erscheinungsdatum 27.08.2018
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage