Nora Kuster, Stella Butter, Sarah Heinz

Subject Cultures: The English Novel from the 18th to the 21st Century

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Der Band verbindet Andreas Reckwitz' soziologische Theorien zur Subjektkultur mit Analysen englischer Romane vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Die Beiträger zeigen, dass der englische Roman Übergangsprozesse von der bürgerlichen zur postmodernen Subjektkultur dokumentiert, allerdings auch selber ein diskursformendes Medium ist. Dabei beziehen sich die Beiträger neben Reckwitz auf weitere Subjekttheorien und bringen diese in einen kritischen Dialog. Der Band präsentiert große Teile von Reckwitz' Forschung zum ersten Mal einem englischsprachigen Publikum und bietet eine innovative literaturwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Subjektkulturen und ihrer Transformation.
This collection of essays examines the representation of subject cultures in the English novel from the 18th to the 21st century. It draws upon the work of Andreas Reckwitz and connects his sociological theories with other approaches to subjectivity. This focus is path-breaking because there exists no comprehensive literary study that discusses subject cultures and Reckwitz's concepts. The essays concentrate on points of transition between subject cultures, and demonstrate that the English novel functions as a key tool in articulating as well as negotiating concepts of modern subjectivity.

The volume is divided into three parts. The introductory essay offers a critical discussion of how Reckwitz conceptualizes subject cultures in Western modernity. The second part focuses on tensions between bourgeois and romantic models of subjectivity. The case studies in this section cover novels by Samuel Richardson, Frances Burney, Charlotte Brontë, and Charles Dickens. The third section addresses the transformation of the organisation man and the emergence of creativity as a key paradigm since the 1980s. Here, novels by A.S. Byatt, Andrea Levy, Ian McEwan, J.G. Ballard, and Matthew Reynolds are featured.

Part I: Theorising Subject Cultures
Meinhard Winkgens: "Reckwitz's Theory of Subject Culture in
Western Modernity."
Part II: The Individual between Bourgeois and Romantic
Subject Culture
Maurus Roller: "Samuel Richardson's Pamela: The
Aristocratic Subject and the Ascendency of the Middle Class
Cultural Order."
Nadine Aldag: "Jane Eyre as an Individual Subject Between
the Bourgeois and the Romantic Subject Culture."
Meinhard Winkgens: "Re-reading David Copperfield as a
Polysemic Imaginative Exploration of Bourgeois Subject Culture
and its Supplementary Romantic Other."
Part III: Creative Transformations of the Organisation Man
Isa Maubach: "Metatheoretical reflections on the creativity
Marie-Theres Wieme: "A.S. Byatt's The Children's Book."
Sarah Heinz: "Challenging the Organisation Man: Normality
and Normalisation in the Contemporary Anglophone Novel."
Stefan Glomb: "The Hybrid Individual in Ian McEwan's Chesil
Nora Kuster: "Bringing down the house: De/Constructing
20th century middle-class subjectivity in JG Ballard's High
Stella Butter: "Representations of Ideal Homes in English
Culture: Gracious Living and the Creative Self in Matthew
Reynolds' Designs for a Happy Home."

Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-8233-6932-5
EAN 9783823369325
Bibliographie 1. Auflage
Seiten 276
Format kartoniert
Ausgabename 16932
Auflagenname -11
Herausgeber:in Nora Kuster, Stella Butter, Sarah Heinz
Erscheinungsdatum 15.02.2016
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage

„[...]The collection of essays forms a coherent whole that is more than the sum of its parts. It could offer a productive foundation for a literary studies seminar, providing concrete models of how to bring theory to literary texts and a succinct overview of how major novels from the 18th to the 21st century engage with changing social and cultural backgrounds.“

Anglistik 29, 1 (2018) / 17.03.16