Veronica Smith

Tertiary Language Learning

Changing Perspectives and Practical Responses
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Tertiary Language Learning deals with L2 learning by advanced learners in an instructed context. This volume surveys recent developments in Second Language
Acquisition and attempts to create a coherent pedagogical framework -Scenario-based Learning - developed as a response to changes in language teaching. Scenario-
based Learning integrates insights from genre analysis and skills-based English for Specific Purpose teaching. It aims at helping tertiary-level language learners to manage their own learning, to master the genres appropriate to their studies and to acquire intercultural, pragmatic competence.
Tertiary Language Learning deals with L2 learning by advanced learners in an instructed context. This volume surveys recent developments in Second Language
Acquisition and attempts to create a coherent pedagogical framework – Scenario-based Learning – developed as a response to changes in language teaching. Scenario-
based Learning integrates insights from genre analysis and skills-based English for Specific Purpose teaching. It aims at helping tertiary-level language learners to manage their own learning, to master the genres appropriate to their studies and to acquire intercultural, pragmatic competence.
Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-8233-6522-8
EAN 9783823365228
Bibliographie 1. Auflage
Seiten 122
Format kartoniert
Höhe 210
Breite 149
Ausgabename 16522
Auflagenname -11
Autor:in Veronica Smith
Erscheinungsdatum 19.05.2010
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage